[PADS][03] - Using the PADS logic to draw circuit schematic

This is a tutorial of using PADS software to build your own PCB.

At the last tutorial, we have create the new part.
We can follow the same step to draw all parts you need.

Here is the main parts of the moudule.

Then we can start using the PADS logic to draw the circuit schematic.

Change size of the sheet.

When your circuit is a big circuit, you may need a bigger size of sheet.
We can go to Tools -> Options.. -> Design, and change the Sheet size.

After changing the size, we need to choose the sheet border to fit the size.

You can choose All Libraries and Apply the * filter.
Then you can find the right border.

After apply the setting, we can see the sheet change to A3.

Add part and start add the connection

We can add parts by clicking this icon.

Add add a prefix you like, here I’m using U.

Add connection to all parts

We can press F2 to add a connection or click this icon.

You can left click to another pin or connection line. Or right click to have some special function. I usually the off-page to mark up some comment connection.

You can name the net or pin, and it will automatically connect all the net with the same name.

And also the GND will look like this.

Add value to the parts

Some parts like resistor and capacitor may need a specific value, we can double click the ??? to add value, to complete the circuit.

Rotate the symbol

When you want to rotate the symbol or mirror it, just right click and select the effect you want.

finish the logic circuit

Keep add the conncetion follow the circuit diagram and the datasheet you will finish the whole circuit part by part.

Author: williamlun
Link: williamlun.github.io/2020/03/02/tut-PADS-3/
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